Get ready to embark on a mouthwatering journey of homemade goodness with our irresistible Cinnamon Rolls!

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

These homemade Cinnamon Rolls are more than just a treat; they’re a labor of love. With their soft, tender crumb and the perfect balance of sweetness and spice, I believe they are a testament to the joy of baking!

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a kitchen newbie, making these rolls from scratch is a rewarding experience that’s bound to make you feel like a pastry pro.

But it’s not just about the end result; it’s about the process. The smell of fresh cinnamon as it wafts through your kitchen, the anticipation as the dough rises to perfection, and the satisfaction of pulling apart that first warm, gooey roll – these are the moments that make baking truly magical.

As you take that heavenly first bite, you’ll be transported to a world of comfort, nostalgia, and pure delight. Can you feel it?

Okay! So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and get ready to create a batch of homemade Cinnamon Rolls that will not only tantalize your taste buds but also fill your home with warmth and love.

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting


For the Dough:

  • 4 cups bread flour (you can use all-purpose flour as an alternative)
  • 2 1/4 tsp quick-rise* yeast (1 packet)
  • 1 cup warm milk (110°F/43°C)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp salt

For the Cinnamon Filling:

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 1/2 tbsp ground cinnamon*
  • Optional: 1/2 cup chopped nuts (such as pecans or walnuts) and 1/2 cup raisins

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • 4 oz (1/2 cup) cream cheese, softened
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt


The Dough:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine warm milk and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Sprinkle the quick-rise yeast over the mixture and let it sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes frothy.
  2. Add melted butter, eggs, and salt to the yeast mixture. Mix well.
  3. Gradually add the bread flour (or all-purpose flour if you prefer) to the wet ingredients. Stir until a soft dough forms.
  4. Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5-7 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. You can use a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment for this step.
  5. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until it has doubled in size.

For the Cinnamon Filling:

  1. In a bowl, mix together softened butter, brown sugar, and ground cinnamon until you have a smooth paste.
  2. Once the dough has risen, roll it out on a floured surface into a rectangle, approximately 16×20 inches.
  3. Spread the cinnamon filling evenly over the dough. Sprinkle chopped nuts and raisins over the filling if desired.
  4. Roll up the dough tightly, starting from the longer side, to form a log.
  5. Cut the log into 12 equal pieces using a sharp knife or dental floss.

For Baking:

  1. Place the cinnamon rolls in a greased 9×13-inch baking dish. Cover with a kitchen towel and let them rise for an additional 30 minutes while preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Bake the cinnamon rolls for 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown and cooked through.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

  1. While the rolls are baking, prepare the frosting. In a mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese, softened butter, powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt until smooth and creamy.


  1. Once the cinnamon rolls are out of the oven, let them cool for a few minutes, then spread the cream cheese frosting over the warm rolls.


  • Feel free to customize your cinnamon rolls with your favorite nuts, dried fruits, or even chocolate chips for a personal touch.
  • For extra gooey rolls, you can drizzle caramel sauce on top of the cinnamon filling before rolling the dough.
  • Remember, patience is key when making cinnamon rolls. Allowing the dough to rise properly ensures their fluffiness and softness.

It’s all about the Cinnamon!

Have you ever wondered how Cinnabon‘s rolls seem so much richer than other makers?

Cinnabon is known for using a specific type of cinnamon called “Makara cinnamon,” which is a premium variety of cinnamon also known as “Ceylon cinnamon” or “true cinnamon.” There is a notable difference between Makara cinnamon and the more commonly used “Cassia cinnamon,” which you may find in most grocery stores.

Here are some key distinctions:

  1. Flavor Profile: Makara has a sweeter and milder flavor compared to Cassia cinnamon. It’s often described as having a citrusy, floral, and slightly fruity note. Cassia cinnamon, on the other hand, is stronger and spicier, with a more intense heat and a hint of bitterness.
  2. Aroma: This cinnamon is known for its delicate and pleasant aroma, which is quite aromatic but not overpowering. Cassia cinnamon tends to have a more robust and pungent scent.
  3. Appearance: The cinnamon sticks are thinner, lighter in color (light tan to light brown), and have a smoother texture compared to the thicker, darker, and rougher Cassia cinnamon sticks.
  4. Health Benefits: Ceylon cinnamon (Makara) is considered to be the healthier option due to lower levels of coumarin, a natural compound found in cinnamon. High coumarin intake can potentially be harmful to the liver. Cassia cinnamon contains higher levels of coumarin, making Ceylon cinnamon a preferred choice for those concerned about coumarin consumption.

When it comes to baking, the choice between Makara (Ceylon) cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon can affect the flavor of your cinnamon rolls and other baked goods.

Ceylon cinnamon tends to provide a more subtle and refined cinnamon flavor, which can be particularly desirable in recipes where cinnamon plays a prominent role, such as cinnamon rolls.

If you want to replicate the Cinnabon experience or are looking to elevate the flavor of your homemade cinnamon rolls, using Ceylon (Makara) cinnamon can be a worthwhile investment. It may be available in specialty spice shops or online retailers.

However, both types of cinnamon can produce delicious cinnamon rolls, so feel free to use what you have on hand or prefer.

Active Dry vs Quick Rise Yeast

Active dry yeast and quick-rise yeast are both types of yeast used in baking, and while they can be used interchangeably in many recipes, there are some differences between them that can affect the baking process and the final result, including the taste of your cinnamon rolls.

  1. Activation: Active dry yeast needs to be dissolved in warm water (usually between 105°F to 115°F or 40°C to 46°C) before being added to the dough mixture. This step “activates” the yeast, allowing it to start fermenting and producing carbon dioxide, which causes the dough to rise.
    Quick-rise yeast, on the other hand, can be mixed directly into the dry ingredients without the need for proofing in warm water. It activates more quickly when exposed to moisture and heat during mixing.
  2. Rising Time: As the name suggests, quick-rise yeast works faster than active dry yeast.
    Dough made with quick-rise yeast typically rises in about half the time compared to dough made with active dry yeast. This can be a time-saver in recipes where a shorter rising time is desirable.
  3. Taste: In general, the type of yeast used (active dry or quick-rise) is unlikely to significantly impact the taste of your cinnamon rolls. The primary flavor contributors in cinnamon rolls are the cinnamon, sugar, butter, and frosting.
    The yeast primarily serves to leaven the dough and create its texture.
  4. Texture: The main difference you may notice between the two types of yeast is in the texture of the rolls. Quick-rise yeast can produce slightly lighter and airier rolls due to its faster fermentation process. Active dry yeast may result in rolls with a denser crumb because it ferments more slowly.

If you decide to use quick-rise yeast in a recipe that calls for active dry yeast (or vice versa), you can typically make the substitution by adjusting the rising times.

For example, if your recipe originally called for active dry yeast and required a 1-hour rise, you might be able to reduce the rising time to 30-40 minutes when using quick-rise yeast.

In the case of cinnamon rolls, both types of yeast can be used, and you can expect delicious results with either one. Just be aware of the difference in rising times and adjust your schedule accordingly.

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Nutrient Notes:

Per serving (1 cinnamon roll with frosting):

  • Calories: Approximately 400
  • Total Fat: 18g
  • Saturated Fat: 10g
  • Cholesterol: 75mg
  • Sodium: 280mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 54g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2g
  • Sugars: 28g
  • Protein: 6g

Storing Your Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

  • Store leftover cinnamon rolls in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2-3 days.
  • You can freeze unbaked cinnamon rolls for later. After cutting into individual rolls, place them on a baking sheet in the freezer until solid, then transfer to a freezer bag. When ready to bake, let them thaw and rise for about 6 hours before baking as instructed.
  • To reheat, microwave for 20-30 seconds or warm them in the oven at 350°F (175°C) for a few minutes.

Historical Tidbits:

Cinnamon rolls have a rich history that dates back to ancient Egypt. Cinnamon spice was highly prized (and was even used in the embalming process).

It later made its way to Europe and became a popular addition to sweet treats, eventually leading to the creation of the beloved cinnamon roll.

Enjoy Your Homemade Cinnamon Rolls!

Get ready to make memories and savor every bite of this delectable treat!

Whether you’re sharing them with family and friends or savoring them with a cup of coffee in solitude, these Cinnamon Rolls are the perfect homemade indulgence that’s sure to bring a smile to your face.

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