Stroganoff, a classic Russian dish with beef, has traveled through kitchens worldwide, tantalizing taste buds with its creamy, savory sauce and tender beef.

However, it’s the incredible versatility of Stroganoff around the world that we’re looking into today. Each variation of this classic dish reflects the local tastes and ingredients available.

Today’s Beef Stroganoff recipe is a symphony of flavors, combining the richness of beef with the tang of sour cream and the earthiness of mushrooms, creating a meal that’s both comforting and elegant.

But you will also see how very many ways it can be made.

Beef Stroganoff

First, the classic Russian Beef Stroganoff recipe… then the many variations around the world.

Beef Stroganoff


  1. 1lb beef sirloin, sliced
  2. 1 onion, finely chopped
  3. 8oz mushrooms, sliced
  4. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  5. 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  6. 1 cup beef broth
  7. 1 cup sour cream
  8. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  9. 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  10. Salt and pepper to taste
  11. Chopped parsley for garnish
  12. 5-6oz of dry egg noodles*, cooked


  1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet* over medium heat. Add the beef slices and cook until browned. Remove beef and set aside.
  2. In the same skillet, add onions and mushrooms, cooking until softened. Add garlic and cook for another minute.
  3. Sprinkle flour over the vegetables, stirring to combine. Slowly add beef broth, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  4. Bring the mixture to a simmer. Add mustard, salt, and pepper. Return the beef to the skillet, simmering for 5 minutes.
  5. Reduce heat and stir in sour cream until heated through. Avoid boiling to prevent curdling.
  6. Serve over cooked egg noodles.

Tips for Success:

  • Slice the beef against the grain for tenderness.
  • Use a high-quality sour cream for a richer sauce.
  • For a thicker sauce, simmer longer before adding sour cream.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Add a splash of white wine for extra flavor.
  • Include a teaspoon of paprika for a smoky touch.

The Type of Skillet

For Beef Stroganoff, the best type of skillet to use is a large, heavy-bottomed skillet or sauté pan. Ideally, it should be:

  1. Cast Iron or Stainless Steel: These materials provide even heat distribution, essential for browning the meat effectively and cooking the ingredients uniformly.
  2. Non-Stick Surface: This can be helpful for easy stirring and preventing the sauce from sticking, especially for beginners or when using a lower fat content.
  3. Sufficiently Large: To accommodate all ingredients without overcrowding, ensuring each piece of meat browns rather than steams.

A well-chosen skillet contributes significantly to the success of the dish, enhancing flavor development and ease of cooking.

A Note About Noodles

While egg noodles are traditional for Beef Stroganoff, this versatile dish can be served with various types of noodles or pasta, depending on availability or personal preference. Here are some alternatives:

  1. Fettuccine or Tagliatelle: These flat, wide noodles offer a similar texture to egg noodles and are excellent at holding the creamy sauce.
  2. Pappardelle: Slightly broader than tagliatelle, pappardelle provides a hearty base for the stroganoff sauce.
  3. Spiral Pasta (Rotini or Fusilli): The spirals are great for capturing the sauce, adding a fun twist to the dish.
  4. Penne or Rigatoni: These tube-shaped pastas work well, especially for a thicker stroganoff sauce.
  5. Rice Noodles: For a gluten-free option, rice noodles can be a good substitute. They offer a lighter texture that pairs nicely with the rich sauce.
  6. While not noodles, Rice or Mashed Potatoes are excellent alternatives for serving with stroganoff, especially if you prefer a gluten-free or lower-carb option.

Each alternative brings a unique texture and experience to the dish, allowing you to enjoy the delicious flavors of Beef Stroganoff in various ways.

Nutrient Information (per serving):

  • Calories: Approximately 450
  • Protein: 25g
  • Fat: 30g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g

Vegetarian Suggestions:

Replace the beef with meaty mushrooms like portobello or a plant-based meat substitute. Use vegetable broth instead of beef broth. You may also want to consider adding a splash of soy sauce for depth of flavor.

Dinner Table Fodder:

Originating in 19th-century Russia, Beef Stroganoff was likely named after the influential Stroganov family.

It became popular in the United States after World War II and has been a comfort food staple ever since.

And Now…

The Versatility of Stroganoff Around the World…

Brazilian Stroganoff, also known as “Estrogonofe” in Brazil, is a delightful variation of the classic Russian Beef Stroganoff. It has adapted to local tastes and ingredients, creating a unique version that’s become a popular dish in Brazilian cuisine.

Here are the key differences and characteristics:

  1. Meat Choices: While the traditional Russian recipe typically uses beef, Brazilian Stroganoff can be made with chicken or even shrimp, in addition to beef.
  2. Sauce Ingredients: Brazilian Stroganoff often includes tomato sauce or ketchup, which adds a tangy and slightly sweet flavor not typically found in the classic Russian version. Mustard and Worcestershire sauce are also common additions.
  3. Cream: Instead of sour cream, Brazilian Stroganoff usually uses heavy cream or media crema, resulting in a richer and creamier sauce.
  4. Mushrooms: Just like the Russian version, mushrooms are a key ingredient, but their use can vary based on personal preference.
  5. Accompaniments: While the Russian Stroganoff is traditionally served over egg noodles, in Brazil, it’s commonly served with white rice. Often, it’s also accompanied by shoestring potatoes or potato sticks, adding a crunchy texture to the dish.
  6. Spices and Herbs: The Brazilian version might include different herbs and spices, reflecting local tastes.

The Brazilian Stroganoff is a testament to how a dish can evolve.

More Variations of Stroganoff Around the World

Stroganoff Variations around the world

Here’s a brief overview of some notable international versions:

  1. Chinese Version: In China, Stroganoff is often served over rice and may include local vegetables like bamboo shoots or water chestnuts, adding a crunchy texture and a distinct Asian flair to the dish.
  2. Swedish “Korv Stroganoff”: This Swedish take on Stroganoff uses sausage (korv) instead of beef, often served with rice or pasta, and incorporates a tomato-based sauce, differing from the traditional sour cream base.
  3. Iranian Version: Known as “Beef Stroganoff with Persian Rice,” this adaptation is served with aromatic saffron rice. The sauce might include a mix of Middle Eastern spices, blending the classic Stroganoff flavors with Persian culinary traditions.
  4. American Adaptation: In the United States, Stroganoff has been adapted in various ways, sometimes using ground beef for convenience and served over egg noodles or rice. It’s often a creamier and less tangy version compared to the original.
  5. Australian Variation: Australians often enjoy a version of Stroganoff with a mix of beef and mushroom, served over rice or pasta. It’s common to find variations that include a splash of brandy or wine for added depth.

These variations of Stroganoff showcase how a classic dish can be reimagined and reinvented across different cultures, each adding its unique touch while maintaining the essence of this beloved comfort food.

It’s a testament to the dish’s versatility and its ability to adapt to various culinary landscapes.

Your Turn!

As you venture into the culinary world of Beef Stroganoff, remember that this dish is more than just a recipe—it’s a canvas for your culinary creativity.

Whether you stick to the traditional Russian roots or explore culinary twists, each ingredient offers an opportunity to tailor the dish to your personal tastes and preferences.

Do not hesitate to experiment with different meats, sauces, or accompaniments! Perhaps a splash of wine for depth, a sprinkle of your favorite herbs for freshness, or even a plant-based alternative for a vegetarian version.

The beauty of Beef Stroganoff lies in its versatility and the way it welcomes individual flair.

So, gather your ingredients, unleash your imagination, and let your kitchen be a place of culinary discovery.

I highly encourage you to explore your own unique take on this classic dish—after all, the best recipes are those that are seasoned with a touch of personal magic.

Bon appétit and happy cooking!

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