How to Make Delicious and Authentic Fried Rice in Five Easy Steps

Fried rice is a staple dish in many cultures around the world. It’s a great way to use up leftover rice and turn it into a delicious, satisfying meal.

Make Authentic Fried Rice

Today I have a step-by-step recipe on how to make authentic fried rice. Plus, there are a few suggestions on what to serve it with, so you can customize your meal to your liking.

First, what kind of rice?

If you’ve ever had fried rice before, you may have wondered what type of rice is used to make it. Is it white rice, brown rice, or something else entirely?

Well, the answer may surprise you: it can actually be made with either! Authentic fried rice can be made with traditional white rice, which creates a light and fluffy texture that’s perfect for soaking up all of those delicious flavors and seasonings. On the other hand, brown rice can also be used to make a heartier and more nutritious version of this classic dish.

While both types of rice provide carbohydrates, brown rice offers more fiber and micronutrients, thanks to the bran and germ that is left intact during processing. That means brown rice can help you feel fuller and more satisfied, while also delivering important vitamins and minerals like magnesium and B vitamins.

However, white rice can still be a healthy choice if paired with other nutrient-rich foods, and it may be easier to digest for some individuals with digestive issues.

Authentic Fried Rice Recipe – In 5 Easy Steps

Step 1: Cook the Rice

The first step to making fried rice is to have cooked rice ready. (Cook ahead of time or use leftover rice.)

You can use any type of rice, but make sure it’s cooked and cooled. Fried rice works best with chilled rice, as warm or hot rice will break down and become mushy during cooking.

Step 2: Prepare Your Vegetables and Proteins

The next step is to prepare your vegetables and proteins.

You can use a combination of vegetables and/or proteins to create a variety of flavors and textures.

For vegetables, you can use carrots, peas, onions, scallions, bell peppers, and broccoli.

For proteins, you can use chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, or tofu.

Cut your ingredients into small, bite-sized pieces for a cohesive texture.

Step 3: Fry Your Protein and Vegetables

In a large wok or frying pan, heat up a tablespoon of oil over medium heat.

Add your protein and cook until browned, then add your vegetables.

Cook until tender but still crisp, then remove from the pan and set aside.

Step 4: Add Your Rice

Next, add another tablespoon of oil to your frying pan, then add your rice.

Spread the rice out evenly to prevent clumping and stir-fry it over medium heat for a few minutes.

Make sure all the rice grains are coated in oil for even frying.

Step 5: Mix and Serve

Once your rice is fried and fluffy, add your cooked vegetables and protein and mix it all together.

You can add a tablespoon of soy sauce or oyster sauce to enhance the flavor.

Garnish with chopped scallions, sesame seeds, or chili pepper flakes.

Serve hot with additional soy sauce, if desired.


Some ideas for serving fried rice include pairing it with stir-fried broccoli or bok choy, egg rolls, or potstickers. You can also add a side of soy sauce or plum sauce for dipping.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different vegetables, proteins, and flavors in your fried rice.

There you have it, a step-by-step guide on how to make delicious, authentic fried rice. With these five easy steps, you can recreate this dish in the comfort of your own home and customize it to your own liking.



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